MTSC Application for Membership
Print out and send with subscription to:
The Membership Secretary, Manawatu Tramping and Skiing Club. PO Box 245,
Palmerston North.
Please make cheques out to "Manawatu Tramping and Skiing Club Inc", or see for details about Internet banking.
Full Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________
City: ____________________
Phone (Home) (____) _________ Mob: (____) _________
(Work) (____) _________
Email: _____________________________________
Date of Birth: ______/______/_________
Applicants signature:
A Family Membership may include you, your partner, and children under 20
years all living at the same address.
Juniors must be under 20 years old.
Membership type |
Receive newsletter by |
Enter amount |
Email only |
Family |
$55 |
Adult |
$40 |
Junior (<20y) |
$25 |
For a Family membership, please enter the names and dates of birth of other family
Emergency Contact: (Someone who should be contacted if there is an emergency)
Full Name: ___________________________________
Address: __________________________
Phone: (____) ___________ Mob: (____) ___________
Indicate any previous /membership of any Tramping, Skiing or Outdoor clubs:
Please list any skills, craft or profession that you are prepared to use for the
benefit of the Club:
Proposer:_____________________________(sign) _______________________________(print)
Seconder:____________________________(sign) _______________________________(print)
(Proposer or seconder must have been current members for at least one year)